How to Make Your Delta-8 High Last Longer

Delta-8 THC is a relatively new cannabinoid that has been gaining popularity due to its psychoactive effects. But how long does a Delta-8 high last? The answer depends on the method of consumption and the individual's unique biological factors. Generally, a Delta-8 high can last anywhere from three to ten hours. Vaping or smoking Delta-8 provides the most immediate onset of effects.

When inhaled, it reaches the bloodstream and brain almost immediately, but the buzz tends to wear off faster. Most users report that the effects last for one to two hours, although this can vary depending on the number of inhalations taken and the strength of the product. According to survey data, on average, most customers find that the psychoactive experience with Delta-8 lasts for around three hours. However, due to its recent discovery as an accessible psychoactive cannabinoid, the exact length of time that Delta-8 effects last is still unknown.

Elmer Purtle
Elmer Purtle

Total beer geek. Award-winning music geek. Extreme pop culture aficionado. Typical pop culture evangelist. Infuriatingly humble twitter ninja. Evil tv expert.